Pot-grown Christmas trees - the living Christmas tree

Responsibility and consideration for the climate are two factors that are becoming increasingly important to customers. This Christmas tree is meant to live – as a tree and as a Christmas message of happiness which will last for many years.

HD NordicTrees offers Christmas trees in strong pots which meet our exceptionally high aesthetic and quality requirements. The tree gains its vitality from its root system. The trees we supply are planted and then re-potted as they grow to ensure the full development of sturdy roots.

This form of growth requires specialist knowledge and consistent care. After 4 to 6 years, the roots are ready to spend a long life in the pot on a balcony, or in the garden soil. The roots are sturdy enough to enable the tree to be re-potted or replanted outdoors to continue its growth.

Our potted trees are certified by GlobalG.A.P. and MPS and are therefore cultivated with the greatest possible respect for a sustainable environment. The customer can be certain of receiving a beautiful and robust potted tree which is of high quality and will give pleasure for many years. Because the tree absorbs CO2, it contributes to the global climate goals.

All trees are packed in netting and can be supplied in CC containers or on CT pallets.

If you have questions, you are always very welcome to contact us.

Other potted varieties

We supply potted Blue spruce (Picea Pungens Glauca), Serbian spruce (Picea Omorika), Norway spruce (Picea Abies) as well as other varieties, depending on current supply.

Picea Pungens, potgrown

Picea Pungens, potgrown

Picea Omorika, potgrown

Picea Omorika, potgrown

Picea Abies, potgrown

Picea Abies, potgrown

Abies Fraseri, potgrown

Abies Fraseri, potgrown